Sunday, August 28, 2011

the naming process...

i've had a girls' name that i've loved since i was pregnant with ben. i've thought about it for two years and since i was pregnant, i've said it's nickname and full name over and over aloud to tim. we continued to agree that it was our name. when ben started referring to my baby bump as "baby blake" because we have a friend with baby named blake, i thought maybe i'd start calling the baby by her name to ben so he could get used to hearing the name. and since we were using the name to ben, the name came out to a friend here or there in the last month. and all of a sudden, i'm like, "maybe i don't like this name!" i suggested one of our alternates to tim this past weekend and he was very agreeable. "that could be the name," he said in reference to the new name. what? how can we change now after having a name picked for 2 years? oh my goodness...naming children seems like such a big decision yet after you've done it, that's it. we don't think of it again! augh! too much thinking...


MamaConverse said...

I totally understand. We had a name for Audrey that we were going to use if we had a boy. Well this pregnancy I felt unsure but it was the only name we could agree upon. (Brent hates every single name in every single baby name book ha ha)

Then I fount a name I liked, Brent HATED it and then about a month ago he decided just as I decided to like the 'other' name again that he LOVED the name he used to hate. Oh man, our child is going to be nameless!!!

Such a hard decision. I'm working him into making it easier. Doing my name I like then his name then the family name..sigh yes two middle names...cripes!

theRachel said...

I'm definitely guessing!

LaelDyck said...

i can't wait to hear what you decide!! i wanted jacob for probably 10 years now and then the last 3 months of my pregnancy i was trying to convince steve to let me call him Benjamin and he was so set on jacob because i had tried for years to get him to like that name. so jacob stuck.