pre-baby, weekend mornings often left me reading for hours in bed. now, the only time i read is before i go to sleep which is about 10 minutes max. for reading because i'm so tired, i'd rather just sleep. this means, it takes me forever to get through a book. however,
my goal of one book a month has been working out
so far.
in april, i saw
Nanny Returns sitting on the library shelf so i checked it out. this is the sequel of the
Nanny Diaries, a book that i loved (and movie i did not love). Even though I knew the fact that having not heard that Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus had even written a sequel was a sign it would not be good AND knowing that i had not liked any other of this duo's, i chose it as my april book.
i couldn't finish it. it was too lame. has anyone read it? am i just done with chick-lit and didn't like it or is it just not very good?
since i loved
Eat, Love, Pray by elizabeth gilbert, searched all her books at fvrl and requested one called,
The Last American Man. it sounded chick-lit-y. but the cover looked like this:
as it turns out, it's the opposite of chick-lit. it's the biography of a guy named eustace conway. well, this is totally my kind of book. i love biographies and autobiographies about super random people. (no, i'm serious - one of my favs:
Swimming to Antarctica. request it at your library) here's the first paragraph of
the Last American Man:
"by the time eustace conway was 7 years old, he could throw a knife accurately enough to nail a chipmunk to a tree. when he turned 12, he went out into the woods, alone and empty=handed, built himself a shelter, and survived off the land for a week. when he turned 17, he moved out of his family's house altogether and headed into the mountains, where he lived in a teepee of his own design, made fire by rubbing two sticks together, bathed in icy streams, and dressed in the skins of the animals he had hunted and eater. this move occurred in 1977, by the way. which was the same year Star Wars was released."
i totally loved the sound of it. upon reading further, it's a little more report-like than i would have guessed from elizabeth gilbert (based on that ONE book i read of hers...haha) with lots of historical facts about what the "american man" is and such. but it's keeping my interest just the same.
but then, elizabeth gilbert's
Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage came in to my library (upon my request) and it's only a two loaner with plenty of holds on it so it won't be renewable. i had to stop her other book and begin this one. so far, very interesting history of marriage from her perspective and that's about as far as i've gotten.
so april was a bit of a dud but i'm working on getting two books done this month!