Friday, October 15, 2010

"come with me!"

ben's latest way to try to tell us what he wants, is to take us by the hand and drag us there. he leads me to the fridge and knocks on it if he wants a drink or food. he leads me to the spare room if he wants to get up on the bed and look out the window. he often leads me to the stairs so that i will take him down and outside. the problem with knowing what you want means that not getting what you want is frustrating. ben's current way of dealing with said frustration: wail. oh brother.

yesterday, i was off to a tupperware party and tim was here with ben. ben grabbed his hand to lead him to the stairs - they went downstairs. ben knocked on the front door. tim opened it. ben ran to the truck and knocked on it. tim put him in the truck where he crawled from one seat to the next, over and over, having a great time. then, according to tim, ben climbed into his own car seat and pointed at the steering wheel. (really, tim? seriously?) so tim took him for a drive. apparently, they drove around town and ben just sat and looked out the window without making a peep. what a kid.


theRachel said...

WOW. He really must be on the verge of talking.

LaelDyck said...

that's amazing! great non-verbal communication going on. :D

Anonymous said...

Haha, I love it! Rick and I had a good laugh at that post - really well written!

Ang said...

Tim is really good at baby charades