Monday, May 14, 2007

thank goodness there are still some good people...

so yesterday afternoon, i made a quick stop at save-on to get a few things for the mother's day dinner that i was making for my mother-in-law. i was just getting a couple things so i didn't pick up a basket. always the wrong plan when you don't get a basket because you will always get more than you expect. anyways...i always throw my wallet in my basket but because i didn't have a basket today, i had my wallet under my arm...i thought.

i get up to the till carrying a precarious tower of items and realize that i don't have my wallet. hmm...where would it be? i wait until i get up to the cashier and ask her if she could ring it all through then save the order because i think i left my wallet in the car. she does this and i run out to the car. it's not in the car.

i, i wouldn't have set it down or dropped it...but i do a quick re-trace through save-on anyways.

no, of course. i just must have left it at home.

i drive home. zoom zoom.

the wallet's not at home. so i call save-on and tell them that i was just there. i'm wondering if a wallet was turned in.

"well...what's your name?" "rebecca shulba." "yeah, it's here. we've been trying to page you for half an hour..."

sigh of relief...but half an hour? c'mon. i've maybe been gone 4 minutes.

so i drive back to save-on, get my wallet, get my groceries and am back on my way to mother's day dinner. thank goodness for the good people of abbotsford, turning in random wallets that they find.

a little too much adreneline spent for just a quick stop at the store.


Alyssa said...

wow that's great to know that there are still people that would turn in your wallet rather than go on a shopping spree!

Anonymous said...

yesssssssss...I agree with Alyssa. Can't wait to see you in a couple of days!

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, the dinner was wonderful and the company was even better. Love from you mother-in-law.