Saturday, January 17, 2009


one of the most popular pregnant question that people ask me in small talk is "do you have any cravings". well, let me tell you about the time when i ate kosy shack rice pudding everyday...the the time i had two pieces of texas toast with peanutbutter with a diet coke everyday at 10:30am...or the daily afternoon bounty bar. these are all pre-pregnancy cravings. i'm just a craving kind of pregnancy hasn't changed anything.

what i AM liking these days bring it on.


Anonymous said...

So, no "particular to pregnancy" cravings then? Is there anything you used to love but cannot tolerate at this moment? I've heard that some women become sensitive to smells/tastes...?

Anonymous said...

uh, Lavonne, I know I already commented, but c'mon...I know you have something to add!?

Anonymous said...

I know pregnant women who couldn't even look at chicken with out feeling sick and then I know some that at an entire bag of lays potato chips and a jar of pickles in half an hour.

Do you think that pregnancy gives some people an excuse to overeat? Or to eat foods they wouldn't normally over-indulge in under the guise of "cravings"?

I think this could possibly be true. It is like when I go running then I rationalize eating a bunch of sweets because "I just ran 5 km!". Similarly, you could eat a whole box of chocolates and then rationalize with "I'm pregnant!"

Ben S. said...

there's definitely a sesne of "i'm getting fat anyways...i might as well eat!". i'm trying to kick that idea...