[note: see new additions to sidebar -- photo album of my students & a quiz that you can take]
i'm "back in the saddle" as liz would say and was back to school today. i don't know what it is about sick days but you come back and feel like nothing was accomplished while you were gone. there are notes in your well planned day book about the teacher not being able to find such and such so they didn't do this or that. couldn't find it? how much more well placed could it have been? the problem is the kids try to explain to the teacher what SHOULD be happening and they get nervous.
tomorrow is the spur of the moment "Personality Fashion Show" for my grade 5s. we're doing a novel study on Bridge to Terabithia and in it there's this new girl who comes to school on the first day wearing weird clothes in comparison to everyone else. So we were talking about ho wmaybe the clothes were forshadowing her personality which we are going to learn about as we read more and then we talked about whether we think our clothes reflect our personality or not. Hence "Personality Fashion Show" tomorrow. We will all be wearing clothes that we think reflect our true personalities. I simply asked for creativity and they will have to give a statement as to why they chose what they chose.
Are you wondering what i'll be wearing for the show?
well...stay posted for photos coming on the weekend.
Any predictions? Please comment!
FYI: Hannah Barkey has the cutest boyfriend!
FYI: Hannah Barkey has the cutest boyfriend!