Tuesday, June 06, 2006

the countdown begins

it is definitely the end of the year. this morning i was desperate not to go to school but i am here. in attempts to eat-to-feel-better, i stopped at starbucks on the way to school and got carmel frappuchino and a blackberry peach scone. i asked the girl at the till if it was bad to have a frap that early in the morning. she said no.

there are exactly 13 days left of school. (not counting weekends) thirteen days! can you believe it? i remember coming to visit the school last year at this time and meeting some of the kids. crazy. despite there only being 13 days...today was an extra long day.

in triathalon news: new running shoes: $159
new sporty ROOTS bathing suit: $29.99
no shin splints or tankini riding up: priceless.


Sharelle said...

yesterday in an effort to endure my SUMMER night class, after a long day at work, i also got a caramel frappucino. relief for the masses.

Alyssa said...

13 more days, that is so great! I bought myself a coffee today and will buy myself lunch in order to get through a project shift on 5 hourse of sleep.