Friday, June 09, 2006

looking towards next year

yes, it's true. at this time of year, we're all thinking about how we can do better next year. i can't wait to be finished and move on to planning for my gr. 2 3 4 class 06/07.

yesterday, our day got a little mixed up and i had PE with just the 3/4s while the 5s were with the older class. we were in the gym at the end of the day playing california kickball when the gr. 1/2 class came walking up to the gym doors. apparently, we'd unwittingly invaded their gym time. i asked sally (the teacher) if she wanted her kids to just come and play with my kids so they did. i was a little nervous since they're all so small but it worked out. i whispered to my kids as the gr 1/2s were coming into the gym, "you are the big kids -- i want to hear encouraging words and no yelling at them to do something." haha. at the end of the day, we lined up at the door to pray before we left and the 1/2s lined up next to us. i said, "thanks for coming and playing with us gr 1/2s!" and this great boy in grade 2 yells out, "thanks for inviting us to play!!" polite.

as i was in the hall afterschool, one of the grade 2 girls comes up to me and says, "i can't wait to be in your class next year for grade 3!"

that's a nice feeling. maybe primary will be good for me.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Sounds like you'll have some cute/polite kids in your class next year... that will be great.