Thursday, January 31, 2008
you did WHAT?
when i returned to the gym in november after a major hiatus, there was this girl in all my step classes who made me so frustrated. i'd be slogging through the steps with my lead legs and she was so bouncy and full of energy. for example, before the class started, she'd bike on one of the stationary bikes that are in the room where we have our step class. can you imagine the loathing i had for energy-girl? but the more i went to step, the more energy i'd have. i wanted to have a class again with bouncy girl and compare my new self but she seemed to stop coming.
well last night, she returned. we were at my bootcamp class together. now this is a seriously engergy-sapping workout. i think i've blogged about it before...oh yeah - how do you like them apples? so anyways i was concentrating on keeping up with miss bounce and then the instructor (who i'm pretty sure is making up the class as she goes along - takes one to know one) tells us to get a partner. oh man - i hate partnering with strangers for anything but at the gym? the worst! so since bouncey and i are standing next to each other, we decide to be partners. we do some stuff with a step and the reason we're partners is to push each other harder by having to keep up with each other. okay - that i can handle. and i'm honestly, way too pleased to be keeping up with my partner. then the instructor says (and keep in mind this is now the last 15min of the class so we're so tired and sweaty), "i saw this thing on tv the other day about ______ (some fighting thing-i can't remember what) and the training they did was really rigorous but it was something that i was wanting to try in class sometime." okay... "get into your partners again." my and engergy walk over to each other. "now you're going to piggyback the other person back and forth across the room for a minute". WHAT?!?! are you picturing this? 8 grown-ups who are literally strangers and we had to piggyback each other around this room. if you weren't insecure about your weight yet, you ARE now! so anyways, we did it. THEN the instructor says, "okay, now you're going to lift your partner up with both arms and carry them newlywed style back and forth across the room." WHAT?!?! but we did it. me and my new bestfriend were the only people who were able to do this one the whole minute. bring it!
so now that i've piggybacked miss bouncey around, i'm feeling as though we are bestfriends and there will be no more of these frustrating feelings towards her in classes. we'll have this secret knowledge of what it feels like to lift them up and we have the bond of knowing that if they fall and hurt themselves in class, we could be the ones to carry them out.
but aren't you saying to yourself right now, you did WHAT at the gym?
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
a day of raising money...
then, i took in all the recycling that we've been collecting and stinking up our classroom with for a week and made another $62!
so on february 14th, 12 kids from canada will be assembling SIXTY EIGHT school supply kits to send to tanzania! i'm pretty pumped.
in other fundraising news, i will be participating in Fit for Heart - a 2 hour workout class on February 16. my gym, VRC, is holding this class to raise money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation and people participating are to raise that money. gym members can also bring 1 friend for the class. sooo...(you can see where this is going right?) if you'd like to support me by donating you know, like a couple bucks to Heart and Stroke, that would be awesome. let me know when i can pick up that toonie before the 16th. IF you'd like to be my one friend who comes to the class with me (which by the way would be awesome to have a friend because i always work out alone), let me know that too! it's going to be a combination of step, bootcamp, and cardio salsa. woohoo. thanks!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
rebecca sews: a pillow.
something i learned in sewing class this week - i'm not a perfectionist. i just cut kind of on the line, sew around 5/8ths, and sort of round off the corners. sure, this might not sound like a big deal...when it comes to pillows. but i think it might be a big deal when it comes to well-fitting clothes. shoot. i'm going to have to work on this.
Monday, January 28, 2008
they hatched!!!
Friday, January 25, 2008
mom and kids camp
and if you don't like that anecdote from the day, maybe you'll like this one: i stopped at starbucks this morning before meeting up with the bus from school. i was standing in line when this guy came in and walked past me towards the end of the line but he stared a little strangely at me as he walked by. so now he's standing behind me and i satrt wondering, "is my hair sticking up? does my ponytail look funny?" so i start playing with my hair a little and the guy says, "you look fine." awkward. i made a couple jokes.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
oh yeah - and they said they'd hatch today
isn't anyone else cold? is there anyone else wearing longjohns or something? how could it just be me? no one else is looking fatter than usual because of the layers of clothes.
[and before synchyshyn makes a snappy comment about how she lives in much colder weather, to my defense, i bring my colleague sally, alberta born and raised. she says (and i quote) "it's a different kind of cold here. it gets into your bones and even though it's only 0 degrees, it feels a lot colder than -5 in alberta."]
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
rebecca sews.
in three hours, i sewed a few practice seams, cut out one side of my pillow fabic, sewed 7 darts, and then sewed the two pieces of my pillow together (but the middle seam is unfinished). and this is what that looks like:
you may be wondering why my pillow has darts but it's really just to learn how to do them. next week my pillow will be finished and i'll be moving onto yoga pants. ...really? from pillow to pants? we'll see...
so sewing wasn't exactly what i expected. i think i thought it would be easier. that straight lines wouldn't be so hard to come by. i had to learn to measure in inches - they're divided into 8s. weird. and sewing seems to go hand in hand with ironing since we were ironing every other seam that we sewed so that it would lay flat. i may need to take a course in ironing next. but despite all this, i'm not totally turned off. i can picture all the great things i'll be making in the future. and that is what i thought about while i sewed my darts.
salmon update
Sunday, January 20, 2008
inspiration for sharelle
the gray clouds linger
like cigarette smoke in my
corduroy jacket
(no, i don't even own a corduroy jacket - that's how poetic it is.)
a girl of simple tastes...
Friday, January 18, 2008
tales from the gym
so at one point, half the class was on bikes and half the class was doing something with the step and then we'd switch - intervals. so i'm pedaling away on the bike and the guy one bike down from me says, "we should turn this fan on." which was facing us. smile and nod since i can't muster any breath to say anything. then we switch to the step for a minute, then return to the bikes. as i'm adjusting my feet on the pedals, the guy says something to me. you've got to picture the atmosphere - loud music, the instructor calling out things, people on bikes etc. so i say, "what?". he says it sounded like something to do with apples. so again, i say, "what?" he replies a 3rd time, "do you like apples?" i'm like, "yeahh..." [macdonald stare] and he points at the fan he's just turned on and says, "how do you like them apples?" oh my goodness. i cannot believe i just worked so hard to get me to hear that. i just laughed.
now, guys are not often in these group classes so it's always a little funny when they are there because, while it doesn't seem silly for women to be exercising in unison, it just seems a little silly for men. i guess it's stereotypes. but last night, i was at a stength class with weights and mats and stuff which is an hour long. there were these two total gym-like guys who are not the type to come to a class but this one guy, a lot of people seemed to know. classic tanned waxed chest with the tanktop that has a neckline that comes down really low so you can see his muscles (but he's like 40) it was funny. anyways, back to the class, they do the same succession of strength exercises each class for a few weeks so you get used to the routine and then they change it. so the last 4 times i've gone, there's this move that is apparently working your shoulder rotator cuff. i've never been able to do it. maybe i have too much weight for the exercise but it's so awkward. well last night, i finally was able to do a few more than usual and trying not to audibly grunt, i worked that rotator cuff with a few breaks. then when we're done, tank top buddy says loudly to the instructor, "hey! that girl right there (pointing at me) didn't do all the reps. i was watching - she cheated." haha. some subsequent jokes were made about why he was even watching me and i of course threw in the joke that that many reps was more than usual. but it was pretty random.
despite being a cheater, my rotator cuffs are sore today.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
all the salmon will die...
and then in december i attended a workshop on how to set up my tank and everything i should know. the woman leading it told us wide-eyed teachers that if tap water gets into the tank, all the salmon will die. if the temperature rises above 10 degrees, all teh salmon will die. if the ammonia levels get too high, all the salmon will die. if they get too much light, all the salmon will die. i commented to the person next to me, "i'm starting to get nervous about this..." and the leader overheard and said to me, " you SHOULD be nervous. it's an accident waiting to happen. and if you kill them all, the students will call you salmon killer." shoot...
so for the past couple weeks, i've been preparing the students for the salmon's fragility. "they could all die." "no, really. they might all die. and that would be okay." nonetheless, the kids are unbelieveably excited about our salmon...though they keep mentioning eating them.
i told the janitor that i was getting salmon eggs and he laughed. "do you remember the two ferns you used to have in here?" (i killed them.)
despite my poor reputation, the eggs arrived yesterday. 80 chum salmon. due to hatch in approximately 8 days. our water won't stay cold enough so we have to keep changing frozen pop bottles of ice in and out of the tank all day. last night, i put 3 frozen bottles in and this morning, the temperature of the tank was at 12 degrees. we've now gotten it back down to 10.
but so far, all the salmon are not dead.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
in error...
i spelled it wrong in an earlier post.
but the website is looking awesome as it develops. sweeeeet!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
i admit, i was sad to be missing my saturday morning step class but as it turns out, i'd forgotten what a workout skiing is. my legs were killing me on my first run. i thought that i'd do great this year since i'm in much better shape than two years ago, but it didn't seem to matter. i stuck with the green runs, sometimes having to go by myself so that the boys could go do blue, and in my alone time on the mountain, i decided that skiing is not my thing. i'm not having fun going down the hill - i'm desperately trying to stay up. i'm am in constant fear that i'm going to fall. it shouldn't matter so much - oh well you fall - but it matters to me. i fell once. lots of snow p the jacket. had to take the one ski off to climb up the hill to get my other ski that had fallen off and then i couldn't for the life of me get the skis back on. i eventually got them on and finished the run but i didn't want to go back out. it was reminicient of night skiing in grade 9, ang. i wanted to sit it out. BUT i stuck it out, kept doing the greens and made it through the day. maybe skiing would grow on me if i went more often than once every two years. i'll have to try that out. i think i'll invest in a new pair of goggles though - the ones in the picture are from grade 7 and when i'd wear them, air was still coming up into my eyes and they left tiny foam chunks on my face when i took them off. haha.
as for matt - he's a natural at every sport so it didn't matter that he'd only been on skis a total of 4 times - he was great. i'm going to HAVE to get better because it's beginning to look like a family sport.
into the wild

super interested in the story behind the movie, i borrowed the book from a friend and read it this week. the movie is fairly identical to the movie which is great excpet the book adds a lot more thought and theories on the main character's reason for his actions and come comparisons to other people in history. an interesting read. read it.
then tim and i were in future shop and came across the soundtrack for the movie. eddie vedder wrote 10 of the 11 songs for the movie and performs them all. if you like eddie - this is a phenomenal cd. eddie and a guitar for most of the songs. so good. listen to it.
i can't stop thinking about this movie - it stays with you. february 12 - out on dvd. let me know what you think.
Friday, January 11, 2008
teacher shulba...
whenever kids come up and ask me how to spell something, i always say, "how do you think you spell it?" and then they spell it out for me and i help them correct it. but man, wouldn't that get annoying as a kid? haha.
trying to drink more water at school has meant going to the washroom more which is okay because my class is quite well behaved if i'm out of the room for a minute. but the other day when they were writing in their planners and getting lined up to go to the gym, i slipped out quickly to go to the washroom (which is across the hall from my class) and there's a knock on the door and i hear a student call, "mrs. shulba?". so i say, "go away, i'll be out in a second!" embarrassing. so i come out and say to that student, "what could you possibly have to ask me that you would come and knock on the bathroom door?" and he says, "i wanted to know if we were going to have to run laps." oh my goodness.
in Bible class, the kids were following along with me in their Bibles while i read them a story about David and Saul from 1Samuel. it happened to be the story where Saul tells David to go and bring him back 400 foreskins. "what's a foreskin?" umm...when they're following along with you reading, you can't just skip over things. haha.
in p.e., we've started basketball. it's amazing how athletic my class is. i was avoiding playing a real basketball game with them because i thought it would be too frustrating but then we tried it when the gr.5s went with the 6/7s for p.e. and the 3/4s were awesome. one game that we play most days to practice shooting though is HORSE. that's where when a kid shoots a basket and if he misses, he gets the first letter: H. then when it's their turn again, if they miss they get the next lett: O. the last person standing without spelling the word HORSE is the winner. so one group was playing and the winning student yells out at the end, "i'm a HOR!" i laughed outloud. i love that they're still pretty innocent in grades 3 and 4.
all days in the life of mrs. shulba.
Monday, January 07, 2008
most suprising christmas gift of 07

Sunday, January 06, 2008
the most coveted party favour ever...

i think i may have forgotten the fun of the photobooth...until last night.
domi and ang have created a photobooth. for real. with a screen and a camera and printer in a giant box like thing. apparently domi has one in hawaii and has rented it out at wedding receptions and it's been a big hit. and now they've made one here. . one cost, unlimited pics, greatest invention ever. well done dolientes! can't wait to see it up and running somewhere.
what event do you have coming up that you need a photobooth for? guarenteed hit.