Sunday, August 06, 2006

part one: the swim

i had decided that "all i had to get through was the swim and the rest would be fine".

in the envelopes that i got when i checked in there was a flourescent green swim cap. in my mind, i thought, "haha, a memento." panic strikes in at 9:50am when the organizer calls out to everyone, "put on your green caps and come down to the water's edge for instructions!" jamie was running for the envelope that i'd left in the van! apparently, we were all supposed to wear them. he got the cap in time. thanks dad!

listening to instructions: swim out to and around buoy #1, then swim across to buoy #2, parallel to the shore and then back to #1 then back to the shore. it was like a figure eight in the water. are you imagining this? let me tell you, these buoys are way farther apart then you are imagining. way farther. (you can't see buoy #2 in this pic) the saving factor? the water level in the lake was so low that i could touch this far out and still be only up to my chin. this meant that when i got tired of my doggy paddle, i could touch the ground and walk for a little ways. thank goodness.

there was technically no doggy paddle but there was no front crawl either. i did some front crawl with head above water, some poorly performed breast stroke, some backswim, and some side scissor kick. (i might have made some of these titles up). next year, my goal is to be better at swimming and actually put my face underwater. however, i was glad that i was wearing my goggles because a lady in front of me started kicking so hard and splashing so violently that i got a lot of water in my face.

only panic-y moment was the when i accidently swallowed some water and started to choke. if i hadn't been able to touch the bottom i would have been waving for the kayakers to come help me. i stood still and coughed up a lung before being able to continue the swim.

when i came out of the water, angela said that i didn't even seem concerned about the next leg. i didn't run towards my bike...i walked. she said that it was like i thought the race was finished. then when i got to my bike, i took some time to towel off while people around me are in high gear. finally she yelled at me, "quit drying off and get your shoes on!" and i remembered what was next. she helped dry my feet while i pulled on my clothes over my suit. next time, i need to bring a little bucket of water like everyone else to clean the mud and guck off my feet before putting on my socks and shoes.

i got the helmet on and rode away...

to be continued...


Alyssa said...

I can't wait to hear about what comes next... nice muscles by the way... you look very official.

Anonymous said...

i agree with alyssa - excellent muscle shots. I am also excited to hear about what comes next. Wish I could've been there to cheer you on/wash your feet...maybe next time?

Ang said...

sometimes I can be bossy. I sound like a bit of a jerk, and the pose of me with my hands on my hips, makes it seem like I was unimpressed. It's not true! I was very proud for Bec, and was cheering for her, and all sorts of other people the whole day. I didn't just stand around with my hands on my hips critisizing them, I promise. But in the heat of it,the coach in me does tend to surface, and I will bark at you if you are clearly wasting time. :)

Ben S. said...

oh i needed it. :)

Anonymous said...

That sounds so exciting!