Tuesday, May 09, 2006

ahh yes, foundational skills assessments...

FSAs. do you remember them from grades 4 and 7? government tests in math, reading comprehension and writing. oh man. i sit these grade fours down in a room, read them the directions from the teacher manual and set the timer. oh the stress. i think it's good in the sense that they learn to take a test as that's what happens more and more as you go through your schooling but on the other hand, if teachers or parents make too big a deal out of it, it could be just way too stressful. I guess there was an ad in the agassiz (and probably other) paper last week to parents trying to get them to pull their kids out of the tests but no parent here did that. anyways, my kids are surviving. today while they did the test, i sat there and also did the test so that i could have answers to pre-mark them instead of just sending them off to the government not knowing how they did. there were some toughies in there for grade 4. it's an interesting process. anyways...that's a snapshot from my day.

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